Broken/Updated Mods: Horse Ranch EP Patch (July 18th/August 3rd)
New Game Update 1.99 (Patch Notes) is out, which means it's time to check your mods for updates! Please backup saves before using any untested...
[Corrected] “Sleepover Sleepwear” Set [Not] Coming For All The Sims 4 Players
DISCLAIMER: It's been pointed out by several people in the community that this set has not been confirmed to be coming as a free update....
“Horse Ranch”: Video Shows Create a Sim Mode
Soon after the official livestream ended, The Sims shared a short video on social media that highlights the Create a Sim mode for its newest...
REPLAY: The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Official Livestream
The Sims hosted a livestream for the upcoming Horse Ranch Expansion Pack on their YouTube channel.
The Sims 4: Official Laundry List (07/14/2023)
The Sims has shared a new Laundry List of bug fixes that will be resolved with the next game update, prior to the Horse Ranch...
“Horse Ranch” Official Livestream To Happen This Friday (14th)
The Sims is hosting an official livestream for the upcoming The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack this Friday, July 14th, ahead of its release...
Video Shows Breland, Trixie Mattel and Compton Cowboys playing “Horse Ranch”
A new promo video for The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack has been shared on The Sims official social media channels. This time, it...
“Horse Ranch”: Short Video Shows Build/Buy Mode Highlights
A new short video of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack was shared on The Sims' official social media channels. It highlights a few...
Watch: The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Gameplay Trailer
The Sims team has released the gameplay trailer for The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack, which comes out on July 20th.
EA Announces the Two Winning Community Voted Kits
On May 11th, EA shared with simmers the opportunity to vote on two upcoming kits for The Sims 4. Two options were given for...