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The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Game Guide
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Special Thanks to Ines for the PDFs!
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Game Cover

Game Summary
Grab your yarn and knitting needles—in The Sims™ 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack, Sims can craft their own clothes, toys, and knittable home decor! Young and old Sims alike can take a seat in their new rocking chair and start creating. When you’re done, rock your handcrafted styles or sell them on the new online shopping platform, Plopsy.

Buy The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff
Create A Sim Fashions
Female Adult/Teen/Elder – 5 Hairstyles, 4 Tops, 2 Bottoms, 2 Outfits, 3 Accessories, 1 Pair of Shoes
Female Child – 2 Hairstyles, 1 Top, 1 Outfit
Female Toddler – 1 Hat, 2 Outfits
Male Adult/Teen/Elder – 3 Hairstyles, 1 Hat, 5 Tops, 1 Bottom, 3 AccessoriesMale Child – 2 Hairstyles, 1 Top
Male Toddler – 1 Hat, 1 Outfit
NOTE: Clothing counts include outfits and accessories that are visible in Create-a-Sim, and can only be unlocked by leveling up in the Knitting Skill, or by completing the new in-game Aspiration. See the special “locked” CAS assets section below for details.



Locked Create-a-Sim Assets
❗ The following clothing, hats, and accessories are visible in Create-a-Sim, but can only be unlocked by leveling up in the Knitting Skill, or by completing the new Aspiration and earning the Sacred Knitting Knowledge Reward Trait.
❗ To unlock all color swatches for each Create-a-Sim asset, Sims will have to knit them in the game. Once an item has been knit, click on it in the Sim’s inventory and select the “Add to Wardrobe” option. This unlocks the color in CAS for the entire household.
❗ Should you want to unlock all Create-a-Sim assets right away without the need to level up the Knitting Skill and acquire reward traits from Aspirations, simply open the cheat console (CTRL + Shift + C) and type cas.unlockbytag SP17.

Baby Onesies
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting has added new knitted onesies to the game. Sims with a Knitting Skill Level 8 or higher can knit 17 different style onesies for babies. Simply knit a onesie, click on a baby in its crib, and then select the “Dress Baby in Onesie” option. You can use the “Remove Onesie” option to revert back to the default baby outfit.

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting adds one new Aspiration to the “Creativity” category.
![]() | Lady/Lord of the Knits | This Sim has yarn running through their veins and will stop at nothing on their quest to craft the perfect knittable! |
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff adds one brand new trait for Sims. The trait is earned by completing the new Aspiration.
New Music Genres
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting adds the brand new “Metal” and “Focus” Music Genres to the game. You can listen to the new channels on Stereos and Wall Speakers.

New Dances
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting adds the brand new “Brutally Dance” and “Air Guitar to Metal” dances to the game. Sims can select these interactions when listening to to Metal music.

Club Activity & Club Perk
If you own The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion Pack, you will receive a new Club Requirement with The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff. “Knitting” has been added when picking club requirements in the game.

Additionally, The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff includes the brand new “Knitting Boost” Club Perk. When purchased, it will boost the speed at which Sims gain the Knitting Skill while in a club gathering. Learn more about this Skill in the Knitting Skill section of the guide.

Knitting Skill
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting adds the all new Knitting Skill. Sims can master the Knitting Skill by reading skill books, purchasing a Yarn Basket to sit and knit, or by having another Sim teach them how to knit. Increasing this skill unlocks the ability to create custom objects in the game and Teach/Mentor other Sims in Knitting to help them improve their skills faster.

• Knitting Skill Level 1 – Get comfortable and turn on some tunes, because its time to knit! Use your talents to dress your family, decorate your house, or make some Simoleons on the side. No wrong answers here, just get to stitching! Knitting is primarily tied to the Yarn Basket. Your Sim must have a Yarn Basket in their inventory to start knitting. Increasing this skill will unlock new Knitting recipes, both clothing and objects!
• Knitting Skill Level 2 – This Sim can now knit Socks. A sock is something you wear on your foot, with or without a shoe. How delightful!
• Knitting Skill Level 3 – This Sim can now knit Furnishings. Mailboxes with cozies, and plant holders for everyone… huzzah!
• Knitting Skill Level 4 – This Sim can now knit Rugs. Rugs are big flat things that go on the floor! But then you knew that already…
• Knitting Skill Level 5 – This Sim is feeling confident in their skills and can now knit the ultimate gift – Sweaters! Teach to Knit is now available so that they can pass along their knowledge to other Sims.
• Knitting Skill Level 6 – This Sim can now knit Poufs. What is a Pouf? Knit one and find out!
• Knitting Skill Level 7 – This Sim can now knit Decorations. Cacti and turtles and octopi, oh my!
• Knitting Skill Level 8 – This Sim can now knit Toddler Onesies and Baby Onesies. It’s important to keep the little ones warm.
• Knitting Skill Level 9 – This Sim can knit Sweater Scarf Combos, or as we like to call them, “Scwarfs”!
• Knitting Skill Level 10 – This Sim has mastered Knitting and has become one with the yarn. They can now knit Child Toys and Mentor other Sims in Knitting to help them improve their skills faster.
Certain Create-a-Sim assets can only be unlocked by leveling up in the Knitting Skill, or by completing the new Aspiration and earning the Sacred Knitting Knowledge Reward Trait. To unlock all color swatches for each Create-a-Sim asset, Sims will have to knit each one in the game. Once an item has been knit, click on it in the Sim’s inventory and select the “Add to Wardrobe” option. This unlocks the color in CAS for the entire household.
Same applies to knitted objects and toys. There are 21 objects that can be created when knitting in-game. Sims leveling up in the Knitting Skill will be able to create unique objects that will be placed directly into a Sim’s inventory.
❗ Should you want to unlock all Create-a-Sim assets right away without the need to level up the Knitting Skill and acquire reward traits from Aspirations, simply open the cheat console (CTRL + Shift + C) and type cas.unlockbytag SP17.
❗ Should you want to unlock all Knitted Build/Buy assets right away without the need to level up the Knitting Skill, simply open the cheat console (CTRL + Shift + C), type bb.showhiddenobjects, and head into buy mode.

The following items are available to create with the Knitting Skill:
- Clothing
- Baby Onesies
- Beanies
- Socks
- Sweaters and Scarfs
- Sweaters
- Toddler Onesies
- Objects
- Child Toys
- Decorations
- Hanging Plant Holders
- Mailbox Cozies
- Poufs
- Rugs
Knitted items have the following interactions: “Frog” Knitting Project, Add to Wardrobe (clothing), Donate, Gift, and List on Plopsy (§10).
Sims who complete the Lady/Lord of the Knits Aspiration will also unlock an additional decoration: the “Yarny Sculpture” decor. Yarny is the small creature composed of red yarn who is the main playable character of the game Unravel. Yarny and his tree stump will disappear every few hours and pop up in different areas of the lot.

All knitted items created by Sims can then be listed for sale on the Plopsy Marketplace for a profit. For more information, check out the Plopsy Marketplace section of the guide.
The Sweater Curse
Sims can knit a unique sweater called “The Forbidden Sweater”. This knit will unlock when acquiring the “Sacred Knitting Knowledge” reward trait for completing the Lady/Lord of the Knits Aspiration. Sims will also need to have a level 10 Knitting Skill.

Advanced knitters who gift this sweater to others might pass along “The Sweater Curse” which is triggered by the gifting interaction. Sims might get one of the following moodlets when receiving the Forbidden Sweater as a gift: Unfortuknits (Bored +1), Great Knits (Happy +1), or The Sweater Curse (Tense +2).
Sims who end up with the Sweater Curse will have to deal with Romantic interference for 7 days. As the moodlet description warns, Sims should refrain from Romantic interactions during this time. All Romantic interactions will be rejected and Sims will suffer deterioration of both relationship and romance levels. Breakups included.

Sims will have to deal with this curse for the entire 7 days, or they can find a Sim willing to reverse the curse. To reverse the curse, have a Sim with the Sacred Knitting Knowledge trait click the target Sim and use the “Reverse the Sweater Curse” interaction.
Plopsy Marketplace
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting introduces a new retail Plopsy Marketplace for Sims to buy items and sell their crafts. This online store serves as a means for Sims to browse and purchase items from resellers, or list and sell their own crafts for a profit.
❗ To browse on Plopsy click on the cell phone, select “Household” and choose the “Browse Plopsy” option. Marketplace selections refresh every hour.

Sims looking to make some extra money selling their hand crafted items can also sell on Plopsy. To list an item on Plopsy, click on the item in a Sim’s inventory and select the “List on Plopsy” interaction. Each listing costs §10 and items that are for sale will be highlighted pink in the Sim’s inventory. Sims will have 4 days to sell the items or the listing will expire.
If the item sells, a notification will appear and the item will be highlighted blue. Click on a sold item and use the “Ship with Plopsy” option to send the item to the buyer and get paid. Hovering over the item will let you know how much it sold for. If for some reason you do not want to sell the item after it is sold, use the “Unlist from Plopsy” option.
❗ Use the new inventory filters to sort Plopsy listings and eligible items.

Once the buyer receives the item they will give feedback in the form of a notification. If an item does not sell after 4 days and expires, it can be relisted again for §10.
Rocking Chair
The Rocking Chair is an interactive chair with various options for Sims of all ages. Sims can use this chair to Rock, Sit, Nap, Knit, Play, and Reminisce. The Playing interaction is only available to Toddler and Children, while Reminiscing is exclusively available to Elders.

Yarn Ball and Baskets
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting includes the Yarn Ball decorative object and the Yarn Baskets that enables knitting in the game. Although these items serve their own purpose in the game, they also provide additional gameplay. If you have The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack installed, adult cats can “Claw” at the yarn balls and “Play” with the Yarn Baskets.

Build/Buy Mode Objects
The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff includes 46 buy and build mode items. This includes objects, build items, styled rooms, unlocked knitted items, and every other item that was included with the game. The slideshow below contains 45 of these objects, with the “Styled Rooms” listed right below.
The slideshow begins with the “Armless Rocking Chair” and ends with the “Yarny”. If you prefer to view the images individually, click here.
❗ The following images show off all build/buy objects available in game. Note that 21 of the items will only be available as objects created by knitting in-game. Sims must level up in the Knitting Skill to create the items.
❗ Sims will have to knit each color of every object to unlock them. Once an item has been knit, the objects will appear in the Sim’s inventory for world placement.
❗ Should you want to unlock all Knitted Build/Buy assets right away without the need to level up the Knitting Skill, simply open the cheat console (CTRL + Shift + C), type bb.showhiddenobjects, and head into buy mode.
Styled Rooms