EA has officially announced a brand new world named Hidden Springs! This new world will be available in The Sims 3 Store August 25th! Thanks to The Sims Hub, SimPrograms and Infinite Sims for the info!

Exclusive Digital-Download World Available August 25 For The Sims 3 On PC/MAC
Stay forever young with The Sims™ 3 Hidden Springs. Discover a new digital downloadable World available this Autumn exclusively at The Sims 3 Store using SimPoints. Featuring all-new locations, items, Sims, and a little magic, The Sims 3 HiddenSprings invites anyone to uncover the mysteries of the newest world.
Let your Sims spend time exploring a stunning lakefront, relaxing at a luxury spa or ski lodge, escaping into the woods, and uncovering ancient mysteries at the Museum of Magic and Supernatural, all without leaving the new Hidden Springs world. If you’re interested in meeting new Sims, take them to the Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge and mingle with the social elites. If your Sims need to relax then experience true balance and well-being as you watch them bask in the ambiance of the Crystal Solarium Rejuvenating Waters. Once they’re done revitalising in the healing waters, take your imagination to another dimension of fun by bringing your Sim to Fairyfolk Park. Or, take your Sim over to the Silver Zephyr Health Spa to help them acquire world renowned techniques in the fields of health and beauty. In addition to these exciting new locations and activities, a deeper mystery lies within the curious magical properties of Hidden Springs. Discover what mystery is beneath the rejuvenating waters and maybe your Sims wishes just might come true!
The Cho Family
The Pertridge Family
The Shue Family
The Vanderburg Family
Q & A regarding Hidden Springs via Everybody Plays
What’s your name, title and what you do for The Sims Studio?My name is Azure Bowie-Hankins and I’m an Assistant Producer for The Sims 3 Store.What is Hidden Springs? Is it a Stuff Pack/Expansion Pack?Hidden Springs is a brand new downloadable world only available through The Sims 3 Store. You’ll have a brand new world to explore with new families, new locations and a couple of new surprises and objects as well.What’s included in it? Will we get new places for our Sims to live, places to explore?Hidden Springs a luxurious resort town located near a lake and surrounded by picturesque mountains. The town is famous for its spa resort spots and there are rumors of a mythical place located in the woods where Sims can discover a bit of magic! I’m not going to tell you exactly where it is but somewhere hidden in the town your Sims can find the Fountain of Youth! The Fountain of Youth is a brand new object that your Sims can use to decorate their home and make a wish or two. They should be careful what they wish for because it might just come true!What’s your favorite place to explore in Hidden Springs?One of my favorite places to explore in Hidden Springs is the hidden garden located deep in the woods. It’s the perfect place to find rare seeds and gems. It’s also great for a picnic! Some other places my Sims spend a lot of time in are the Crystal Solarium Pool and the Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge. Both of those places are great for meeting new Sims and schmoozing with the local elite.Will there be Sims to meet and possibly marry? Who are they?There are tons of new families to play as or meet in Hidden Springs! I love the Vanderburg family. They’re famous royals who’ve lived in Hidden Springs for quite a while. The Father is nice enough but the Mother is obsessed with seeing her children married off. She drives her kids so crazy that the Princess has run off to live in the woods and pursue her dream of writing novels. That family is so much fun to play. I also enjoy playing as the Shue family. Granny Shue is a native of Hidden Springs who never had any children of her own so she’s adopted some local children who were in need of a home. They live in a small cottage in the woods and they don’t have much but they’re happy because they have each otherWhy is it called Hidden Springs?When we were thinking up names for Hidden Springs we took our cues from the beautiful magical setting of the world itself. This town is a magical little place tucked away at the base of a beautiful mountain landscape and surround be serene waters. Hidden Springs seemed like the perfect name!When will it be available to buy?Hidden Springs is available for purchase only at The Sims 3 Store on August 25th. We’re super excited for the world to finally be released so we can hear what Simmers have to say about it!