Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes Set (1,675 SP) – Create a nursery for the ages! Dress your little one in brand new outfits and decorate your nursery with furniture made for the discerning baby. The included Gift of Speech Baby Monitor will allow your baby to communicate his wants and needs, and, if those needs happen to be a bath or a diaper change, the Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station has got you covered! Get ready to take your nursery to the next level with the Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes set!

Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station (Not Available For Individual Purchase) – Dirty diaper? Dirty child? Does your baby just always seem to be slightly sticky? Well, this is the product for you! Safely clean your child with the Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station! Specially designed with a no-slip tub and a comfort-padded changing surface, just give a swipe and a twirl, and the dirt will be flying off!

Gift of Speech Baby Monitor (Not Available For Individual Purchase) – If a baby cries alone in a room, does anyone hear him? Well, with the Gift of Speech Baby Monitors placed throughout your home, everyone will hear him! Go about your daily business and you’ll know the moment your child becomes unhappy. And, with its state of the art sensors, there won’t be any more guessing what your child wants! With this monitor, you’ll know exactly what he’s miffed about this time.