This is a complete info post on the newest Sims 3 Store Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes set. Information and screenshots on the newest premium content can also be found in the Premium Content Guide for future reference.
Create a Sim (Clothing)

Buy Mode Objects

Gift of Speech Baby Monitor

The Gift of Speech Baby Monitor is a new way for toddlers and babies to communicate with other Sims. You can find the baby monitor in buy mode under “Kid’s Furniture” for 50 Simoleons. The Baby Monitors can be used by Sims Infant-Elder.
❗ You must place at least two (2) baby monitors on your lot for functionality.
❗ This content allows babies & toddlers to directly interact with other Sims in your home.
❗ Baby monitors are turned on by default, and can be turned off at any time.
❗ Infants have limited interactions. They can ask to be fed, played with, changed, and rocked.

The Baby Monitor includes the following interactions:
♦ Change me (I,T) – Child must have low Hygiene for option to appear
♦ Rock with me (I,T) – Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion
♦ Play with me (I,T) – When a toddler uses this interaction with another toddler nearby, there is a chance that they will play “Peek-a-Boo”
♦ Feed me (I,T)
♦ Talk with me (T)
♦ Walk with me (T)
When using any of the available interactions, babies & toddlers can automatically notify other Sims of their needs/wants. When successfully sending through a “page”, another Sim will attend to them and fulfill their request.

Video Link
Changing and Bathing Station

The Changing and Bathing Station introduces a brand new way to control the hygiene of infants and toddlers. You can find the changing station in buy mode under “Kid’s Furniture” for 50 Simoleons. The Changing and Bathing Station can be used by Sims Infant-Elder.
❗ Both infants and toddlers can be changed/bathed on the changing table.
❗ When changing a baby, Sims may end up with a little more than powder on them, which will result in a hygiene hit.
The Changing Table includes the following interactions:
♦ Change
♦ Bathe
When a baby’s diaper is dirty, it is best to get them all cleaned up right away. Prolonged exposure to the dirty diaper will give babies a diaper rash, so take them to the changing table for a dose of refreshing powder!