Here to kick off SimsVIP’s April Community Spotlight is Community Builder Eunagina! In a brief introduction below, Eunagina gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about her involvement within the community. Take it away Eunagina!
Hello everyone, I am Eunagina! I make The Sims videos on YouTube and most of you who know me will probably know me as a builder primarily, but I also do Let’s Plays and Build Tutorials! I currently do Tutorial Tuesdays where I publish Building 101 videos and I absolutely love being able to help others improve their building or provide them with little tips and tricks to make your building a smoother and more enjoyable experience!
I’m a storyteller at heart and I have always enjoyed writing little (and sometimes not so little) stories which makes Let’s Plays a natural part of my channel too. Apart from that I also enjoy telling stories in my Mega Build videos and sometimes in my regular Speed Builds as well. I love imagining the people who would live in my houses and their background stories. I got a lot of positive feedback on my story episode of my 6-part Vampire Mega Mansion build, and it is so great to see that people enjoy what I do!
I see myself as a very diverse builder because I enjoy all types of architecture. I do modern builds, traditional builds, medieval builds, replicas (so far I have built Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings and Hogsmeade from Harry Potter), and I also love doing all sorts of world architecture whether it be Asian, European, African, American, or Middle Eastern. I love all of it! Hogsmeade:
I have been an avid simmer since the year of 2001 where my classmate introduced me to The Sims 1. Best. Discovery. Ever. I loved it from the very beginning and I have made sure that I get every single expansion, game pack, and stuff pack since then. I also feel dizzy thinking about the amount of money I put into the The Sims 3 Store, but I just could never help myself, it’s like an addiction at times!
I never started building very seriously before in The Sims 3. I liked building in 1 and 2, but I would not say that I was any good at it. When I started university I met my really close friend, known on the gallery as Acelyah, who also loved The Sims. At this time The Sims 3 was out, and we eventually started sharing our houses with each other on Dropbox. This motivated both of us to improve our building skills and we got so many awesome ideas from looking at each other’s builds! Since then I have been building more and more and it has become my absolute favourite thing to do in The Sims.
I never participated much in the Sims community before I started YouTube. I have always been a painfully shy person and I just never got into the whole community thing even though I wanted to for a long time. I saw how sweet, warm, and funny people were and I wanted to be a part of it without really knowing where to start.
YouTube was actually the perfect opportunity for this! My only regret with YouTube is that I did not start earlier! Doing YouTube is a dream for me. It has become a solid part of my life and always grants me a lot of happiness. My very first video went up on January 29th this year and I cannot believe how fast I’ve grown starting with 0 subscribers and no network within the community! If any of my subscribers are reading I want to take the opportunity to officially thank you for your support, it means the world to me!
YouTube has had another great effect on me in the sense that I have had to overcome my shyness and put myself out there for everyone to see (or hear). It has effectively made me a more confident person even if I can still struggle at times! I have finally found the place in the lovely Sims community that I always wanted and I have already met so many wonderful people! I cannot wait to meet more of you. One of my favourite parts of YouTube has also become to interact with my viewers. I LOVE getting comments, not just because they help my channel but because it is so wonderful to talk to the people who watch. I try to make sure that I answer every single comment I get, so if you ever watch, do leave one!
If anyone wants to see some of my videos or if anyone wants to get in touch with me, there will be links to my channel, my Twitter, and my Facebook page below!
I will also be joining the SimsVIP staff to provide written build tutorials for all of you and I will of course continue with my video tutorials as well!
Thank you to everyone for reading, and a special thank you to Alexis for reaching out to me for the April Spotlight! April is my favourite month of the year as I love spring so it could not have been better timing!
See you all in my next video, on Twitter, on Facebook, or in my next build tutorial here on SimsVIP!
Much love from Eunagina, xoxo!