Community Spotlight: Pixelade (YouTuber)

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Here to kick off SimsVIP’s November Community Spotlight is community YouTuber Pixelade! In a brief introduction below, Matt gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about what he does in the community. Take it away Matt!

Untitl12124124edHello, all simmers alike! Before I begin, I just want to say a big thank you to SimsVIP for giving me this opportunity to be apart of the monthly community spotlight. I’m so grateful and humbled to be able to do this and it means the world to me. My name is Matt, I’m from the USA, and I’m a content creator on YouTube! Formerly known as MattGiordanoGames, I changed my name to Pixelade a few months ago to evolve and push my channel in a new direction.
Since the begging in 2012 (when I first launched my channel), I’ve always created Let’s Play videos of The Sims but recently started branching out onto other games such as the Telltale series ‘The Walking Dead’. Though The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 are among my main priorities for Let’s Plays on my channel, I’ve recently started creating mod reviews, create-a-sim videos, speed building videos, news and info videos, and even machinimas. My first ever machinima was released a few weeks ago, and it’s about the birth to death story of a girl who lost her fight to leukemia. I wanted to create this to raise awareness to the illness as well as encourage people to donate to the American Cancer Society. I will be making my own personal pledge this month in November!


I’m not like most simmers, I wasn’t here from the very beginning of the franchise. I didn’t discover The Sims until about 2004 when the base game for The Sims 2 was released. From that point forward, I was hooked! After receiving it for Christmas, I played it non-stop on the family computer and got myself into so much trouble staying up late into the night. Since then, every single ounce of free time goes to playing, recording, and editing videos to upload onto my channel. My favorite packs within the franchise would have to be Seasons and Pets. Both are such fun additions to the game adding so much realism and extra content.

Shortly after creating my channel in 2012, I created my first Twitter account and connected with so many awesome simmers around the world. Building friendships and sharing my creations just took the whole simming experience to a brand new level. Some of the YouTubers I’m closest with, in the community are definitely SouthernSimmer and CokeGaming. They have been by my side since the beginning and have helped me grow as a person even outside of YouTube. I can’t thank them enough!

The future of my channel is BIG. I have lots planned and can’t wait to produce more content every day for those who watch and support me. Soon, I’ll be starting highly request Let’s Plays for SimCity (2013) and City Skylines. I’m stoked for Cats and Dogs and can’t wait to get my hands on the game. As I promised, months back, when I begin my Let’s Play for the pack, I’ll be uploading the first 10 parts within 2 days as well as giving a copy of the game away to any simmer who enters my current giveaway. Being a content creator makes me so happy, and just knowing people laugh and smile when they watch my videos just makes my day so much better! To be honest, I couldn’t ask for a better game or hobby!







SnapChat: Username MGiordanoGames1 or Pixelade

Sims 3 Username:

Origin: OfficialPixelade
