How To Buy and Grow a Money Tree in The Sims 4

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The Sims 4 Seasons introduced a fan favorite: The Money Tree. With a little work and some patience, it can prove to be a very lucrative investment. The Money Tree seed can be purchased via the Aspiration Rewards Store for 5,000 Satisfaction Points, and grown in all four seasons. It may take time to gather all those satisfaction points, but it’s worth it!

Growing the money tree is half the fun. The Money Tree takes about 7 days to fully bloom as a golden money tree, and will produce up to §22,000 Simoleons daily, depending on the quality of the plant. Sims cannot harvest the money fruit from the trees, so unless they purchase more seeds, they will only be able to Sell them for simoleons.


Moving a “ready to pick” money tree into the Family Inventory will yield 5 money tree fruits. This is the only way to get additional seeds without paying for them.

Money Trees produce more Simoleons as they evolve and increase in quality. Using the “Take Cutting” interaction on money trees reduces the amount of Simoleons.

  • Normal Quality (§8,000)
  • Nice Quality (§11,500)
  • Excellent Quality (§15,110)
  • Magnificent Quality (§18,670)
  • Perfect Quality (§22,225)

Even with a single money tree of normal quality, Sims can cash in on §8,000 daily. Imagine all the money they can make with more! Money doesn’t fall from trees folks…or does it?


❗ This article is part of a series of mini tutorials on the game. Check out our detailed Game Guide for more information on The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack.
