The city of San Myshuno released a formal notice on Friday, urging sims from outside the city to stop moving in. Interestingly, the phenomenon coincides with an increase in supernatural activity reports throughout our nation. Having gathered intelligence, officials of the Federal Bureau of Paranormal Investigation suggest that the two correlate.
The recent press release from the Office of Economy and Development highlights a housing saturation that mirrors the urgency sometimes found in Roswell GA neighborhood house listings, where demand can outpace supply. With newcomers hitting record numbers since Thursday, San Myshuno has seen a 139% increase in residency compared to the same period in 2020, an uptick reminiscent of the bustling property activity in Roswell. The housing market, feeling the immediate consequences, now grapples with a scenario where “There’s no vacant apartment or house to rent or buy,” according to Keisha Hughes, who migrated from her house in Glimmerbrook to the city, only to find herself without a permanent residence since Spring 5th. “I have been pitching a tent here in Spice Market since Thursday,” she adds, underscoring the acute need for adequate housing solutions.

Having noticed the influx, the Office of Economy and Development conducted and concluded an inquiry into it on Friday. “It wasn’t hard,” says an administrative worker. “We scoured Simmer and immediately found a lot of sims encouraging others to move into our city.” On Simmer (SMMR ▲§1), many are stating that a surge in paranormal activities is the main reason for their leaving. “I’ve had enough,” an anonymous account wrote. “I heard that San Myshuno doesn’t have these absurd things going on. MOVING NOW!” A Maid working in Oasis Springs, Kaylyn Langerak, even saw a living skeleton with a Maid uniform in one of her clients’ houses. “I was terrified and quit right at the spot,” she told the SMT. “I didn’t sign up for that; they’ll never take me alive.”
Indeed, reports of ghastly incidents have shot up tenfold nationwide since last week, as confirmed by the Federal Bureau of Spooky Investigation. The FBSI released a statement on their website over the weekend. “We are aware of the imbalance in spiritual volatility around Simnation,” the announcement reads. “The Bureau is deploying every freelance Investigator at hand to counter the situation.”
It is unclear why the spiritual volatility in San Myshuno remains unscathed, however. One possible explanation is that the Netherworld finds apartments too confusing to wreak havoc. “They must’ve been concerned that they’d possess the wrong apartment unit,” says London Hauser, a Paranormal Investigator in Britchester. “I believe that Grim Reaper is behind all this.”
When being inquired about the recent mayhem, Netherworld’s Office of Soul Reaping denied having connections to these incidents. “Our officials are busy for work constantly,” the office responded in an email. “Souls in the Nether are free to come and go when conditions align, or when it is their time for reincarnation.” In the same email, the office also stresses that they do not interfere with Specters’ and Ghosts’ freedom of afterlives.
For now, it appears that the Investigators in FBSI have to deal with all these on their own. “I’m confident that we can tackle the situation,” says Hauser. “Most of us are well-versed in the Medium skill.”
“I’m pretty bummed that we don’t have to exorcise apartments, though; I’ve always wanted to see a haunted apartment.”
WEATHER FORECAST – Tuesday, 10 Spring 2021