Sims 3 Lunar Lakes Now Available! (On Sale til 2/27/12)

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The Sims 3 Lunar Lakes is now available for purchase in the Sims 3 Store (2200 Simpoints – Sale)!

For those of you who want to wait for additional info and screens before purchasing, check back around 10pm Central Time for my short review and info on the new world.


The Sims 3 Lunar Lakes


Explore a Unique New World – Meet new Sims, discover new locations, and experience the cosmos of Lunar Lakes!
Exclusive New Items – Customize your game with dozens of all-new exclusive objects and clothing that are only available in Lunar Lakes.
Exclusive New Locations

– Lunar Lakes is full of all new locations, lots, and venues. Where will your explorations take you?
Discover the secrets of this strange new world by joining the Science Career and working at The Perigee, the massive spaceship that brought Sims to the planet long ago.
Remember the worlds that were left behind by visiting bio-dome parks that invoke the feel of Sunset Valley, Appaloosa Plains, Hidden Springs, and more.
♦ Explore the Crystal Mine and discover rare rocks and gems.
♦ Help the colony prosper by tending vegetables at the Community Garden.
♦ Bring the little ones to have a good time at the Umbra Playground and Park.
All-New Sims and Stories – Stranded on an alien world your Sims must utilize the power of science to thrive! Will they create a utopian civilization, or quarrel over resources? What mysteries lie beyond the edges of the colony? Whatever the answers, one thing is certain: the Sims you meet in Lunar Lakes all have stories that are truly out of this World.
All New Game Play Object: The Tree of Prosperity – Expand your game with an all-new item that provides gameplay benefits. This exotic plant is made of floating crystals and changes shape throughout the day. Play with the Tree of Prosperity and your Sims can learn skills faster. Discover the secrets of this alien tree today!


