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The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu Guide
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Contributors: Simserasera (Batuu Exploration and Scoundrel Ranks), Paul Bentley (First Order Ranks, Resistance Ranks, Lightsabers, Droids, and Collectibles), and Alexis of SimsVIP.
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Special Thanks to Ines for the PDF’s!
❗ To leave comments, suggestions and feedback, please see this post.
Table of Contents
Basic Info
New Game Additions
Exploring Batuu
Buy Mode

Game Cover

Game Summary
Create your Sim’s unique Star Wars story as you explore the remote world of Batuu, from Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland® and Disney World®, in The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu Game Pack. Will your Sim join up with the Resistance, fall in with the scoundrels, or enlist with the First Order? It’s up to you! Build up your Sim’s reputation to unlock missions, purchase a lightsaber or droid, and meet iconic Star Wars™ characters like Rey and Kylo Ren.

Click to Purchase The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu!
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds a brand new “Star Wars” Aspirations category. Within that new category are four new Aspirations, but only two are readily available for selection in Create-a-Sim. The other two aspirations unlock once Sims complete the first milestone of the “Hope VS Order” Aspiration.
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds four brand new traits for Sims. One trait is earned by selecting an aspiration from the “Star Wars” category and the other three are reward traits for completing any of the four new aspirations.
Create A Sim Fashions
Female Adult/Teen/Elder – 5 Hairstyles, 17 Hats, 9 Tops, 7 Bottoms, 19 Outfits, 12 Makeup Options, 3 Pairs of Shoes
Female Child – 5 Hairstyles, 2 Tops, 3 Bottoms, 1 Outfit, 1 Pair of Shoes
Female Toddler – 1 Hairstyle, 3 Outfits
Male Adult/Teen/Elder – 2 Hairstyles, 16 Hats, 7 Tops, 9 Bottoms, 17 Outfits, 3 Pairs of Shoes
Male Child – 2 Hairstyles, 2 Tops, 2 Bottoms, 1 Outfit, 1 Pair of Shoes
Male Toddler – 3 Outfits
NOTE: Clothing counts include hats and clothing that are visible in Create-a-Sim, but can only be unlocked by leveling up within the Resistance, First Order, and Scoundrel faction ranks. See the special “locked” CAS assets section below for details.
Hairstyles and Hats


Makeup and Shoes

Locked Create-a-Sim Assets
❗ The following hats and clothing are visible in Create-a-Sim, but can only be unlocked by leveling up within the Resistance, First Order, and Scoundrel faction ranks.
❗ To unlock all Create-a-Sim assets without the need to level up in faction ranks, simply open the cheat console (CTRL + Shift + C) and type cas.unlockbytag GP09.

New Game Options & Interactions
This section includes details of all the new game options available with The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu. Images have been sized down, so click on the images for a larger view.
Going on Vacation
With Batuu being a destination world, Sims can now schedule a vacation with friends and family. To begin your adventure in Batuu, use the computer or phone to “Go on Vacation“. Once you enter map view, select the district you want to visit and press ok.
Unlike other destination worlds, Batuu does not require Sims to rent a lot, nor does it have a “staycation” limit. Once you arrive at your destination, you can go back home anytime using a Sim’s cell phone or the “Send Home” self interaction.
❗ Note: Sims who accumulate vacation time from work and school will be allowed to vacation without performance hits for the duration of their paid time off. Extending the vacation beyond the allowed time off will result in decreased performance.
❗ Although Sims cannot rent a place to stay in Batuu, the Resistance Encampment in Batuu does provide tents for Sims to sleep in.
❗ For those who have The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack installed, note that Pets are not able to travel with Sims to Batuu.
❗ When Sims travel to Batuu, they will automatically change into Batuuan clothing for the duration of their visit. Sims can enter the “Dwelling” to change into one of the other available options, or level up their faction rank to unlock additional clothing.

New Music Genres
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds the brand new “Batuu Radio” and “DJ R-3X Stereo” Music Genres to the game. You can listen to the Batuu Radio on all Stereos and Wall Speakers, but will need to purchase the DJ R-3X Stereo from Droid Depot to listen to DJ R-3X Stereo. Alternitavely, Sims can listen to the new music genres right on their Droids.

New Recipes
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds 10 brand new food recipes. Sims can make the recipes at home as long as they learn them by eating them first in the World of Batuu.

The new recipes can be purchased at Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo, Ronto Roasters and Oga’s Cantina in the World of Batuu. Once a Sim eats a new recipe they will automatically learn the recipe. They can then use the stove to cook the recipe back home.
❗ Recipes can be cooked at home with just a Level 1 in the Cooking Skill.
❗ Sims must eat the new recipes in Batuu before they can cook them at home.
❗ The Outpost Popcorn Mix is not a learnable recipe, but it can be selected via the Quick Meals option on the Refrigerator for free. Additionally, the Outpost Popcorn Mix is also found at the Milk Stand in the First Order District of Batuu.
New Drinks
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds 10 brand new drinks to the game. Sims can make the drinks at home as long as they learn them by drinking them first in the World of Batuu.

The new drinks can be purchased at Oga’s Cantina or the Milk Stand in the World of Batuu. Once Sims drink the new drinks available, they will automatically learn it. They can then use a bar to make the drinks back home.
❗ Drinks can be made at home with just a Level 1 in the Mixology Skill.
❗ Sims must drink the new drinks in Batuu before they can make them at home.
❗ Blue Milk and Green Milk options are not learnable drinks, but can be purchased via the Quick Meals option on the Refrigerator for §10 and §30 respectively. Additionally, both Milk options are found at the Milk Stand in the First Order District of Batuu.
New Collectibles
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu introduces the brand new “Lightsaber Parts” and “Batuu Records” Collections to the game. Below is a detailed list of all the new collectibles.
Lightsaber Parts
Lightsaber Parts are a new collectible acquired by shopping for them at Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop at Black Spire Outpost, completing Missions and opening Supply Crates. There are a total of 19 Hilts and Kyber Crystals that complete the collection.
❗ Lightsaber Parts must be combined in order to function. To craft a Lightsaber, Sims will need at least one Hilt and one Kyber Crystal. They can either click on a Hilt in their inventory and use the “Install Kyber Crystal” interaction, or click a Kyber Crystal and use the “Place on Lightsaber Hilt” interaction.

Batuu Records
Batuu Records are a new collectible acquired by using the “Scan” interaction on various objects around the World of Batuu. There are a total of 19 Batuu Records Sims can collect to complete their collection, and each record contains different information on the world.

Galactic Credits
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu includes a brand new currency called Galactic Credits. Instead of using Simoleons like other worlds in The Sims 4, Sims will need to collect local currency in order to purchase food, drinks, and other items in Batuu.
❗ To cheat additional Galactic Credits for your Sims, open the cheat console and type “bucks.update_bucks_by_amount 51201 XXX”. Place the number of credits you want in the XXX portion of the cheat.

When you first arrive in Batuu, you will notice that the Household Funds panel on the bottom left of the User Interface now shows how many Galactic Credits you have. You can still see how many Simoleons and Bits and Pieces your household has by hovering over the funds, but you will not be using any currency other than Galactic Credits in Batuu.
Galactic Credits can be obtained in a number of ways in Batuu, including completing Faction Missions, finding Galactic Credits in Supply Crates, and winning Lightsaber battles. You can also sell items you received in Batuu for Galactic Credits. Galactic Credits and Simoleons are entirely separate from each other. Any monetary reward you receive and any currency you obtain in Batuu will always be in Galactic Credits. Any time you buy items or food in Batuu, the transaction will also be in Galactic Credits.

You cannot convert Galactic Credits to Simoleons or Simoleons to Galactic Credits, but you can sell items you received from Batuu for Simoleons when you are not in Batuu. If you are in Batuu, though, the money you make from selling these items will be in Galactic Credits. Since you cannot have any non-Batuu items in your inventory while in Batuu, you cannot sell any non-Batuu items for Galactic Credits either.
Woohoo in Dwelling
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu introduces a new Woohoo location for Sims. Any Sims that are in a romantic relationship can use the “Dwelling” to “Woohoo” or “Try for a Baby”.
❗ The Dwelling is located in the Black Spire Outpost district.

Woohoo in Tents
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu introduces a new Woohoo location for Sims. Any Sims that are in a romantic relationship can use tents to “Woohoo” or “Try for a Baby”.
❗ Tents were first introduced with The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game Pack.

New World: Batuu
This remote outpost on the galaxy’s edge was once a busy crossroads along the old sub-lightspeed trade routes, but its prominence was bypassed by the rise of hyperspace travel.

Now home to those who prefer to stay out of the mainstream, it has become a thriving port for smugglers, rogue traders, and adventurers traveling between the frontier and uncharted space. It was once a safe haven for those intent on avoiding the reach of the First Order, but the struggle between the First Order and the Resistance made it’s way to Batuu.
World Screenshots

Batuu is a brand new Star Wars themed Destination World for The Sims 4. To begin an adventure in Batuu, Sims can use the computer or phone to “Go on Vacation”. Once they enter map view, select Batuu as the destination and then select the district to visit.
Unlike other destination worlds, Batuu does not require Sims to rent a lot, nor does it have a “staycation” limit. Once you arrive at your destination, you can go back home anytime using a Sim’s cell phone or the “Send Home” self interaction.

District Information
Batuu comes with 3 districts filled with pre-built community lots that cannot be edited. This section of the guide gives you information on ach district.
Resistance Encampment
The Resistance Encampment is located deep in the forests of Batuu. Rumor has it that you can find Vi Moradi, the famous Resistance spy. However, you will need to earn the trust of the Resistance before they will accept you with open arms.
Black Spire Outpost
This is the central hub of Batuu. Here you can find The Dwelling, Savi’s Workshop, Oga’s Cantina, Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities, and a number of food and drink options.
First Order District
This is the First Order occupied sector of Batuu. Here you can find Lt. Agnon as well as the Droid Depot if you are looking to acquire your very own droid companion.
Star Wars NPC Characters
The Sims 4 Star Wars Journey to Batuu includes official Star Wars NPC characters that play a role in the overall theme and plot of the game. Sims will run into plenty of familiar faces when traveling around the world of Batuu.
Lt. Agnon
Lieutenant Agnon is a leader of the First Order and can be found outside the Cargo Building in the First Order District. Locate him for your first First Order Mission.
Kylo Ren
Once you reach rank three of the First Order, supreme leader Kylo Ren can be found at the First Order District. Be careful not to fail any of his Missions or else he will show you his wrath.
Vi Moradi
Vi Moradi is a member of the Resistance. She can be found at the Resistance Encampment to help assist Sims with their Missions.
Once you reach rank three of the Resistance, leader Rey can be found outside of the X-wing at the Resistance Encampment.
Hondo Ohnaka
Hondo Ohnaka is an alien who is the leader of the Scoundrel faction. Locate him at Blackspire Outpost for Missions. He is most often found in Oga’s Cantina playing a game of Sabacc.
Batuu Exploration
Grab your phone and let’s go on a Vacation to a galaxy far, far away. There you’ll find the planet of Batuu, caught in a power struggle between the forces of the First Order and the Resistance. Amidst their fight for control of Batuu, a third group operates their completely legitimate business ventures from the Sabacc tables in Oga’s Cantina.
To start your adventure, you’ll need to choose the “Take a Vacation” option from your phone (or computer). This will take you to the World Maps of the different Vacation worlds. Unlike all the other Worlds, Batuu doesn’t have specific lots. You won’t need to pay anything or book a set number of days like with Granite Falls and Selvadorada. Just click on the Black Spire neighborhood to begin.
You Sim will then travel to the Planet of Batuu where not only the people look different but there are several details about your Sim that are not different. First, you won’t have access to your Simoleons, your inventory or even your clothing. You are fully immersed in the world of Batuu. Don’t worry all of your belongings are safe at home waiting for your return. In lieu in Simoleons, Galactic Credits are the currency on Batuu.
Another notable change is to a few of your Sim’s UI menus. In the career panel you’ll find your Batuu missions. When your Sim first arrives in Batuu, you’ll find the “Welcome to Batuu” mission here. Complete the tasks to get acquainted with the area and earn an easy 200 Galactic Credits. You’ll also notice a change in the Simology panel, where you’ll find your Batuu reputation. This is a measurement of your rank with each faction. They can range from a negative 5 to positive 5.
Exploration Map
A : Dwelling 1 : The Resistance Base
B : Ronto Roasters 2 : The First Order Command Center
C : Docking Bay 7 3 : Droid Depot
D : Oga’s Cantina
E : Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities
F : Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop
Since there are no lots in Batuu, you don’t have an obvious home base to eat and sleep. If you selected one the new Star Wars Aspirations, you’ll gain the Prepared Voyager bonus trait. This will slow down your needs decay while on Batuu. Even with this trait, you’ll need to eventually eat and rest. There is a Dwelling building in Black Spire Outpost where you can sleep and freshen up. There are also tents in the Resistance Encampment you can choose to sleep or nap in.
For food, check out Ronto Roasters and Docking Bay 7 in Black Spire Outpost. By eating the foods unique to Batuu, you’ll also be able to learn the new recipes. You can always grab a snack or a drink from the bar at Oga’s Cantina. If it’s a unique drink you’re craving, check out the stall in the First Order District. Located across from the TIE echelon, here you can order the mysterious green or blue milk.
One of the primary things to do while on Batuu is to complete Missions given to you by one of the three factions. Missions are a way to earn Galactic Credits and boost your reputation with a faction. To start a mission, you’ll need to talk to someone from one of the factions. With the First Order, you’ll want to locate Lt. Agnon in the First Order District and “Ask to See Missions”. Lt. Agnon will have the First Order icon floating above his head.
To join the Resistance, head to the Resistance Encampment and ask a member about the Resistance. They’ll tell you that to see the list of Resistance missions just ask any member to “Ignite the Spark”. For the Scoundrels, you’ll find Hondo Ohnaka hanging about Oga’s Cantina in Black Spire Outpost. He will have the Scoundrels icon above his head and he is the one to “Ask to See Missions”.
When you talk to one of the factions about a mission you’ll have a pop up window with a list of current missions. In the top left corner you’ll see the Mission Title and the rewards for completing the mission. You’ll typically get an amount of Galactic Credits and reputation points for that faction. With Resistance and First Order missions, you’ll notice you can gain negative reputation as well.
A mission with two plus marks means they have a greater reputation boost than a mission with only one plus. For some missions you’ll also see a special reward. These can be addition credits or surprise bonus items.
In the top right of the Mission description is the icon for the faction you’re talking to. You may also notice a mission with a grey ring around this faction icon. These are story mode missions and completing one will unlock the next one. You may discover you can’t select the next story mission until you level up your faction rank. You will have to select a different mission for now and come back to this one.
Finally, at the bottom of each is a mission description. They don’t go into too much detail about what you’ll be doing. There are some in the Scoundrel missions from Chewbacca where the description is completely in Wookiee. Once you accept a mission you’ll get more clarity.
You’ll find your active mission in your Sim’s career panel under Batuu. You’ll find the Mission title and potential rewards listed across the top.
You can only work on one mission at a time, but can can click on the trash icon to get rid of any mission. If you cancel a mission, you will not receive any rewards.
You main focus when working on a mission will be completing the tasks listed under your active mission. If you’re ever unclear of what the task is asking for, you can hover over it for more details. If the mission involves talking to someone, you’ll also want to keep an eye on the notifications. They might reveal a specific location you’ll need to complete your tasks.
One you’ve completed a set of tasks, your mission might not be complete yet. For some missions you may receive even more tasks to complete first. You’ll know a mission is completed when it no longer appears in your career panel. You’ll find any rewards have been added to your Sim’s inventory and points added to your reputation.
First Order
The First Order is one of the three factions a Sim can build their reputation with in Batuu. The First Order has a dictatorial reign over Batuu that many people oppose, especially those in the Resistance. Sims that would like to boost their reputation of the First Order should spend their time in the First Order District, which the First Order occupies.
First Order District: This is the First Order occupied sector of Batuu. Here you can find Lt. Agnon as well as the Droid Depot if you want to acquire your own droid companion.
First Order Ranks
The higher the rank you have with the First Order, the more hostile the Resistance will act towards you.
Galactic Credits, First Order Outfit, Check ID Interaction | Dataspike | ||
Galactic Credits, TIE Shuttle Outfit, First Order Banners, Recruit Interaction, Access through the First Order Security Door | |||
Galactic Credits, Stormtrooper Outfit, Tell Tales of Galactic Conquest interaction | F-11D Blaster | ||
Galactic Credits, TIE Pilot Oufit, Red Kyber Crystal, Lightsaber Hilt, Enthuse About Crushing the Resistance interaction | Comlink | ||
Galactic Credits, Stormtrooper Pauldron Outfit, TIE echelon Replica, Black Kyber Crystal, TIE echelon Explore interaction |
First Order Missions
As a member of the First Order, you will need to make sure the First Order maintains its power on Batuu by spreading the faction’s propaganda and suppressing the Resistance.
First Order Missions can be obtained by clicking on Sims who have the red First Order icon above their head. To begin your first mission, Ask to See Missions to Lt. Agnon at the First Order’s Cargo hold in the First Order District. Later you will be able to receive missions from other Sims like Kylo Ren and various high-ranking First Order members.
First Order missions are all about sustaining the authority of the First Order in Batuu and shutting down sentiments from the Resistance. When you complete a mission, you will receive Galactic Credits, First Order Reputation, and a Bonus Item.
Your first missions will involve small assignments, such as spreading First Order Propaganda, resealing First Order Crates, checking IDs of suspicious citizens, retrieving items from First Order Supply Crates, and patrolling Batuu for suspicious activity.
As you progress through the ranks of the First Order, you will be tasked with larger assignments, such as installing a First Order Surveillance System on the Comm Tower Control Panel and Control Panels in Black Spire Outpost.
For certain Control Panels, though, you will have to slice into them first. In order to slice them properly, you need to use the correct method, which will be by either Spoofing Access Codes, Scrambling Keys, or Rewriting Codes. You can find out some information by analyzing them first, which will help you in a process of elimination of methods to use. Be careful guessing the methods before analyzing them, though, because your Sim can get shocked from a system overload. Sims will gain the Programming skill when they slice or practice slicing. Likewise, Sims with a high Programming skill are more likely to be successful when analyzing and slicing Control Panels.
Soon, you will be assigned to use the TIE echelon for some of your missions, which have text-based pop-up events that force you to make decisions that lead to different outcomes.
The TIE echelon is also used for when you are assigned to arrest Resistance Sympathizers and wanted criminals. You will be tasked to tracked these individuals down and arrest them. But be careful, because when you try to arrest a member of the Resistance, they will fight back. If you lose, they will knock you out. If you win, you will be able to bring them to the TIE echelon and transfer them to a Prison Ship-Off World.
You might fail a mission, but you will still be compensated for your efforts. However, you will have to report your failures to the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, and he will force you to beg for forgiveness and will take some of your Galactic Credits.
The Holotable is a useful tool for some of your missions. There, you can Read Kylo Ren’s Holo-Diary, Study Resistance Schematics, and Purchase First Order Supplies. You will also use the Holotable to triangulate the location of individuals of interest.
You will also need to excel socially to complete some First Order missions, such as when you have to convince a Resistance Scientist to join the First Order. You can Charm, Seduce, Intimidate, or Bribe (for 50 Galactic Credits) them to do so.
Kylo Ren will eventually order you to infiltrate the Resistance in the Forest. To avoid getting caught, you can buy a Resistance Disguise from Hondo at Oga’s Cantina. When you are in the Forest, you will need to sabotage their Comm Tower, X-wing, or Holotable.
Finally, you will have to use the TIE echelon to finish off the Resistance. And when you successfully do so, you will have completed all the First Order story missions. You can continue supporting the First Order by completing side missions.
The Resistance is another one of the three factions a Sim can build their reputation with in Batuu. The Resistance opposes the oppressive First Order and are willing to do what it takes to bring them down. Sims that would like to boost their reputation with the Resistance should spend their time at the Resistance Encampment in the Forest.
Resistance Encampment: The Resistance Encampment is located deep in the forests of Batuu. Rumor has it that you can find Vi Moradi, the famous Resistance spy. However, you will need to earn the trust of the Resistance before they will accept you with open arms.
Resistance Ranks
The higher the rank you have with the Resistance, the more hostile the First Order will act towards you.
Galactic Credits, Resistance Parka, Hatch Elaborate Plan interaction | Dataspike, Model TD2.3 Electrobinoculars | ||
Galactic Credits, X-wing Pilot Outfit, Resistance Banners, Recruit interaction | Thermal Detonator, Access through the Resistance Security Door | ||
Galactic Credits, Tell Tales of Galactic Adventure interaction | DL-44 Blaster, Fake ID Card | ||
Galactic Credits, Blue Kyber Crystal, Lightsaber Hilt, Resistance Jacket, Resistance Vest, Resistance Hat, Enthuse About Shopping The First Order interaction | Comlink | ||
Galactic Credits, X-wing Replica, Yellow Kyber Crystal, X-wing Explore interaction |
Resistance Missions
As a member of the Resistance, you will need to sabotage the First Order to dismantle the dictatorship. To start working with the Resistance, you will have to talk to members of the Resistance about the faction. Most of them can be found at the Resistance Encampment. Once you gain enough trust from the faction, you will be instructed to tell a Resistance member “Ignite the Spark” and they will share important information with you. When you do so, you will be given your first Mission.
Resistance Missions can be obtained by clicking on Sims who have the blue Resistance icon above their head. When you complete a mission, you will receive Galactic Credits, Resistance Reputation, and a Bonus Item.
Your first mission with the Resistance will be to monitor the First Order at the First Order District, which includes talking to First order Stormtroopers, analyzing the TIE echelon, and surveying First Order Supply Crates. Just be careful not to be too suspicious because a First Order member might ask for your ID and/or Lt. Agnon might issue you a warning.
When you complete that first Mission, you will be able to access other Missions by using the “Ignite the Spark” interaction on a Resistance member.
Progressing through the Resistance Missions, you will need to continue monitoring and sabotaging the First Order. You will be instructed by the Resistance to retrieve a Dataspike from a Scoundrel Contact that hangs out in Oga’s Cantina with other Scoundrels.
Once you receive the Dataspike, you can obtain Comm Tower Access Codes and disrupt First Order transmission. But in order to do that, you will have to Analyze and Slice into the Control Panel, which increases Programming skill. The higher the Programming skill a Sim has, the more likely they will be successful at analyzing and slicing into the Control Panel. Be careful because if you make a wrong move, you will be electrically shocked and you will have to retrieve another Dataspike.
Eventually you will meet with Vi Moradi at the Resistance Encampment for your Mission to help fix the X-wing. To do this, you first need to scramble the First Order’s tracking system and swipe some supplies. You can find supplies in Scrap Piles and Supply Crates. Attempting to override locks on Supply Crates will increase your Programming skill. You can also buy X-wing Parts from Soundrels for 100 Galactic Credits if you have a high enough relationship with them.
Once you replace the Missing X-wing parts, you are ready to Fly Distraction Mission. While flying in the X-wing, you will have text-based pop-up events where you will have to choose certain actions that will lead to different outcomes.
Vi can provide you with more Missions, such as a Mission to explore Batuu Communities from the X-wing, a Mission to access data on the First Order Comm Tower, and a Mission to ask for a food donation from Docking Bay 7 to deliver to members of the Resistance.
You will need to continue to obtain information from Scoundrels to progress through the Resistance ranks. You will need to recite a Passphrase to a secret Scoundrel Informant in Oga’s Cantina, and they will give you information that the First Order is developing a prototype blaster rifle. They will tell you that a small shipment of the prototypes just arrived and that they are being stored in a supply crate in the First Order Cargo building.
You will need to swipe one of the Supply Crates, but do so carefully by using a Droid as a distraction. If you do not use a Droid to help you, a First Order member might beat you up and arrest you. If you are arrested, you will be taken off screen for questioning, and you will return with a Dazed +1 “Busted” Moodlet.
Deliver the Prototype Blaster to the Informant and you will receive a Disruption Device in return, which can be used on any Control Panel in the First Order District. It will give you the encryption sequence for the secure door in the First Order Cargo building. Once you have obtained the encryption sequence, test it on the First Order Cargo building security door. You will see that you will be granted temporary access, so you will report that to Vi.
In the Resistance Bunker, you will find a Holotable. For one of your Missions, you will need to use the Resistance Holotable to Obtain the description of a First Order Defector. You will need to locate this Sim in the Cantina and listen to their information about the secret First Order Plan.
With this new information reported to the Resistance, you will have to convince Lt. Agnon that you are a First Order Officer. After you obtain important information from Rey, you will have to look for a First Order Officer Uniform and a First Order ID Card. Put on the Uniform and slice your way through the security door so you can sneakily access plans from the First Oder Holotable. If a First Order Officer asks you for your ID, you will not be questioned because your fake ID will give your clearance.
Give the First Order Plans to Rey. The Resistance is now aware of the coordinates of a secret First Order facility on one of Batuu’s moons, which is where the Resistance Scientist is being held. A rescue mission is in order and you have to use the Millennium Falcon in Black Spire Outpost to ask Chewbacca for help.
With Chewbacca’s help, you can now fly a rescue mission in the X-wing. During this Mission, you will receive some more text-based pop-up events where you will have to make strategic decisions. Through a series of events, you will be able to save the Scientist.
To permanently thwart the Order once and for all, you will need to destroy the prototype jamming ray that was equipped to the TIE echelon. First, obtain the Jamming Array Schematics from the First Order Holotable. If you are caught by Kylo Ren, he will lash out at you and you will receive the Tense +2 “Fear the Dark Side” Moodlet.
Once you have obtained the Jamming Array Schematic, destroy the Jamming equipment on the TIE echelon. Finally, report your success to Rey and celebrate your victory with your fellow Resistance members. At this point, you will have completed all the Resistance story missions. You can continue supporting the Resistance by completing side missions.
The Scoundrels are a fringe group of smugglers, grifters and bounty hunters. If you ask any of them, they’ll explain how they operate legitimate businesses. You decide.

Scoundrel Ranks
Increasing your rank with the Scoundrels will not negatively impact your reputation with the other factions.
Galactic Credits, Swindle Interaction | Dataspike | ||
Galactic Credits, Scoundrel Uniform, Scoundrel Banner, Bribe Interaction | Thermal Detonator | ||
Galactic Credits, Skim Credit interaction, Tell Exciting Tales of Smuggling interaction | DL-44 Blaster, Model TD2.3 Electrobinoculars, Comlink | ||
Galactic Credits, Scoundrel Outfit, Purple Kyber Crystal, Lightsaber Hilt, Enthuse About Galactic Credit Skimmers interaction | Fake ID Card | ||
Galactic Credits, White Kyber Crystal, Millennium Falcon Replica, Milennium Falcon Explore interaction |
Scoundrel Missions
To join the Scoundrels, visit Oga’s Cantina in Black Spire Outpost and talk to Hondo Ohnaka about your first mission. He will challenge you to a couple rounds of Sabacc to see if he can trust you. Next, Hondo will ask for a little favor that will put your programming skills to the test. You’ll first need to obtain a Dataspike.
Dataspikes allow you to slice into a control panel in the First Order District. You can purchase these from Dok-Ondar’s Den Antiquities. They are consumed when used, so it may not hurt to keep a couple in your inventory.
When you approach a control panel, you’ll want to “Analyze Control Panel”. You may have to repeat this action, depending on your programming skill, but you’ll notice the question mark icons beside the “Slice By” actions turn to thumbs up or thumbs down icons. Select the option with the thumbs up icon to correctly override the control panel.
Once you have cracked the control panel, you can let yourself inside to retrieve Hondo’s package and return it to him. Now that you’ve proven yourself to Hondo, you’ll unlock more missions to choose from. There are a few repetitive mission types involving gathering information and tracking down contraband. For overriding Supply Crates, opening locked doors and other electronic hacks, having a high programming skill will come in handy. It also doesn’t hurt to have a little reputation with the Resistance or the First Order so you have access to their Holotable.
It’s not uncommon during Scoundrel missions, to need to talk someone into giving you information. This is where having a high Charisma Skill will really help your chances of success. If you don’t have a lot of Charisma, there alternative ways to convince someone to part with information but they’ll cost you credits. So it helps to be a sweet talker or have deep pockets.
As you gain a reputation with the Scoundrels, you’ll unlock missions involving the Millennium Falcon. To complete any of these tasks, or ones involving Chewbacca, click on the ship. If your Sim takes off in the Millennium Falcon, all you will see is the ship lifting off then a series of popup screens with choices. If an option is transparent, you may lack a skill requirement or item in your inventory to make that choice. As far as skills, Charisma and Rocket Science will come in handy. As for items, a blaster and a droid can get you out of many precarious situations.
Once you have reached Scoundrel Rank 5, you’ll be able to use the Millennium Falcon to explore outside of Missions. You can also use the ship to attempt the infamous Kessel Run. How many parsecs can you complete it in?
There are multiple Scoundrel story missions involving the Millennium Falcon that center around a big casino heist. You’ll have to have the rank of Rouge or higher to unlock it. For the initial mission, you’ll travel to the Canto Bright Casino to scout the scene and look for the best escape route. You’ll then report back to Hondo Ohnaka. The next mission you’ll need to recruit two people to join you for the heist. After that you’ll attempt to pull off the heist with your new crew. If you succeed, Hondo will host a huge celebration in your honor.
The Scoundrel faction will put your decision making and stealth to the test. With a little luck, you’ll find your adventures with the Scoundrels very lucrative.
Build/Buy Mode Objects
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu includes 142 buy and build mode items. This includes objects, build items, styled rooms, and every other item that was included with the game. The slideshow below contains 136 of these objects, with the “Styled Rooms” listed below.
The slideshow begins with the “Legitimate Business Bench” and ends with the “Docking Bay 7 Chair”. If you prefer to view the images individually, check out this album.
Styled Rooms

Interactive Objects
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu adds a variety of new interactive objects. These objects allow for new game play not previously available in game. Details on these objects below.
The Sims 4 Star Wars Journey to Batuu Game Pack introduces colorful glowing swords that Sims can use to battle other Sims. Lightsabers are composed of two main parts: a Hilt and a Kyber Crystal. Hilts and Crystals make up the Lightsaber Parts Collection.

Sims looking to craft their own Lightsaber can head to Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop at Black Spire Outpost. Here Sims can purchase various Hilts, Kyber Crystals, and Lightsaber Display Cases. Not all Hilts and Kyber Crystals are available for purchase, though. Some can only be obtained from completing Missions and opening Supply Crates.
❗ To craft a Lightsaber, you will need at least one Hilt and one Kyber Crystal. You can either click a Hilt in your inventory and use the “Install Kyber Crystal” interaction, or you can click a Kyber Crystal in inventory and use the “Place on Lightsaber Hilt” interaction to create your customized Lightsaber. You can replace the Kyber Crystal on your Lightsaber at any time.
❗ There is no option to dissasemble or remove any parts of a Lightsaber once it is crafted. The only option available to Sims is replacing the Kyber Crystal. They will need to have additional crystals in their inventory in order to do that.
Once you have a Lightsaber, you can start training with it. When you use the “Train with Lightsaber” interaction, your Sim will use a hovering combat training Droid to assist them. Training with the Lightsaber will increase a Sim’s Fitness skill.

Sims with a Lightsaber can challenge other Sims who have a Lightsaber to a duel. The “Spar with Lightsabers” interaction will is a friendly interaction, while the “Challenge with Lightsaber” interaction will is more serious, which ends with one Sim surrendering to the other. A Sim with a higher Fitness skill is more likely to win a Lightsaber Challenge.
Sims can Request a Lightsaber Challenge at Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop for a new Lightsaber Mission. Once you accept a Mission, you will have to find your challenger in a specified location. When looking for the challenger, look for the Sim who has the purple Lightsaber Challenge icon above their head and is training with their Lightsaber. Once you find them, it is time to fight. If you win the challenge, you will receive Galactic Credits and a possible Lightsaber part.
The different colored lightsaber hilts and kyber crystals don’t provide additional strengths or gameplay options, and they all share the same interactions. Other than using them to increase the Fitness Skill and challenge other Sims, the only options available when clicking a Lightsaber are “Set as Favorite Lightsaber”, “Train with Lighsaber”, “Place in World, “Add to Favorites”, “Remove as Favorite Lighsaber” and “Replace Kyber Crystal”.
When Sims are not actively using their Lightsaber, they can use one of 7 display cases to store and display them in their homes. There is a display case for each Kyber Crystal color.
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu introduces robot companions to the game called Droids. Sims can use droids to help them with missions, play music, and provide some company. There are two types of Droids that your Sim can have: R Units and BB Units.
Although both types of droids have the same functions, R Units are larger and boxed, while BB Units are smaller and rounded. Droids will follow Sims around with the “Follow Protocol” option activated, but Sims can only have one droid follow them at a time.
To get their very own Droid, Sims will need go to the First Order District and visit the Droid Depot, which is owned and operated by Mubo. Droids are the main attraction, but Sims can also purchase Scrap Metal (75 Galactic Credits), the DJ R-3X Stereo (350 Galactic Credits), Toy R Units (100 Galactic Credits), Toy BB Units (100 Galactic Credits), and all three types of Droid Personality Chips (175 Galactic Credits).
For the cost of 1,000 Galactic Credits and 10 Scrap Metal, Sims can Order Custom BB Units or R Units. When choosing this option at Droid Depot, Sims will be able to select a variety of a custom heads and bodies for their droids. From this screen droids can also be named.
❗ There are a total of 10 head and 7 body selections for BB Droid Units, and there are 12 head and 16 body selections for R Droid Units.
Once a Sim has purchased their proffered Droid, it’s time to interact! Sims can Chat with them to build a relationship, unlocking new social interactions along the way, they can also tinker with the Droid, which allows them to increase their Handiness skill, and they can also act as a portable radio by playing music from the new Batuu and DJ R-3X radios stations.
Sometimes a Droid will break down, which will require them to be repaired. Be careful…a Droid might accidentally shock your Sim!
When activated, Sims can engage Droids with the following different Protocols:
- Activate — The Droid becomes active.
- Deactivate — The Droid deactivates itself.
- Put in Inventory — This option is only available when Droids are deactivated. It allows Sims to take them along without the use of the follow protocol.
- Turn On/Off — This allows Sims to listen to the Batuu and DJ R-3X radios stations.
- Chat — This options gives Sims a variety of socials to interact with their Droids.
- Rename — This option allows Sims to rename their Droids.
- Droid Maintenance — This option unlocks various maintenance updates.
- Wait Protocol — The Droid will stay in place.
- Follow Protocol — The Droid will follow your Sim.
- Engage Shock Protocol — The Droid will shock itself and break down in front of the Sim that your Sim selects.
- Engage Distract Protocol — The Droid will act up and distract nearby Sims.
- Use Droid to Override Locks — The Droid will scan the Supply Crate your Sim selects and unlock it.
In addition to the options above, Sims can perform various maintenance upgrades to their Droids through the “Droid Maintenance” option. Keep in mind that a Handiness Skill Level of at least 3 is required to perform these upgrades. Sims who are completing missions will have great use of their upgraded Droids.
- Pilot Droid Upgrades
- Computer Integration Chip (Requires a Handiness Skill of 3 and 5 Scrap Metal) — Increases success chance of Explore interactions on Starfighters.
- Interstellar Navigation Schematics (Requires a Handiness Skill of 5 and 10 Scrap Metal) — Unlocks the Explore interaction on Starfighters and Reduced cooldown of Explore interactions.
- Protocol Droid Upgrades
- Aural Sensor Translator (Requires a Handiness Skill of 3 and 5 Scrap Metal) — Better Social outcomes when your Droid is nearby.
- Personality Matrix (Requires a Handiness Skill of 5 and 10 Scrap Metal) — Unlocks additional socials between your Sim and their Droid.
- Scout Droid Upgrades
- Integrated Surveillance Processor (Requires a Handiness Skill of 3 and 5 Scrap Metal) — Better chance of success when the Droid is interacting with control panels.
- Physics Processor (Requires a Handiness Skill of 5 and 10 Scrap Metal) — Increase the distraction range and duration.
- Replace Personality Chips
- Scoundrel, Resistance, and First Order Chips give the Droid a new voice and personality. There are two personality chips per faction.
Once you have reached Rank 3 of a Batuuan faction, you can purchase Droid Personality Chips for 175 Galactic Credits each. When a Personality Chip is replaced on a Droid, it will change its voice and personality.
The following Personality Chips are available for purchase with the appropriate faction rank:
- First Order Personality Chip FO-1 (Must be at least a Trooper – Rank 3 with the First Order)
- First Order Personality Chip FO-2 (Must be at least a Trooper – Rank 3 with the First Order)
- Resistance Personality Chip R-01 (Must be at least a Lieutenant – Rank 3 with the Resistance)
- Resistance Personality Chip R-02 (Must be at least a Lieutenant – Rank 3 with the Resistance)
- Scoundrel Personality Chip S-01 (Must be at least a Rogue – Rank 3 with the Scoundrels)
- Scoundrel Personality Chip S-02 (Must be at least a Rogue – Rank 3 with the Scoundrels)
The Sims 4 Journey to Batuu introduces a brand new table game. The gambling card game provides hours of fun for adult Sims, and allows for casual and challenge play. The winners of a challenge receive a Happy “It’s Payday” moodlet, and those who lose receive a Sad “Fishing for a Break” moodlet.
❗ The Sabacc tables double as a Card playing table, or if you have The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion Pack, it also doubles as a “Don’t Wake the Llama” table. Sims can use the “Change Game” option to select the other games.
❗ Adult Sims can Join or Watch a game of Sabacc, Play with other Sims, Cheat, and play “Confidently” or “Logically”.

Tents are a new object that allow Sims to do the following: Sleep, Nap, Relax, Plan Outfits, Play (Children), Read Wilderness Digest (Outdoor Retreat), and Tell Ghost Story (Outdoor Retreat). This object is useful when Sims need sleep in public spaces.

DJ R-3X Radio
The “DJ R-3X Radio” is a new stereo system available for purchase exclusively at the Droid Depot in Batuu. This stereo can play a variety of music, including “Batuu Radio” and “DJ R-3X Stereo”. Reminisce of the good times at Oga’s Cantina with this adorable toy replica!