Wow! A year has gone by already? It feels like the last Plumbob Day was only yesterday… I would say that the old saying is wrong—time does not fly; it blasts. I am sure that you are in the mood to launch those fireworks you won in the Humor and Hijinks Festival. However, you might want to have a read about what your fellow sims think about the past year. This week, our correspondents have gone around different places and heard some opinions that we would like to share with you.
1. Lina Noir

Lina is a registered writer who recently moved to Del Sol Valley. When talking to Devin Stuart, our correspondent, she sounded cheerful and optimistic of what is to come.
Stuart: Guurl, I’m so glad that you’re enjoying this city. You must visit the Plumbob Pictures Museum! Just head south on the forty-fifth (highway) and take the exit to Starlight Boulevard, turn left after leaving the ramp and you’ll see the iconic building. Oops, sorry… where were we? Right, what things do you find memorable from last year?
Noir: Well, the end of the Global Climate Anomaly had a huge impact on my life. I was born and raised in Forgotten Hollow, where the weather used to be nice up until GCA ended. Sure, we had shorter, foggy days; but we never had issues with rain or snow in the past. This past year though, it became unbearable—sometimes we went through weeks without sunlight. My neighbors seem to like it, but I just can’t get used to all those weather changes. So, then, only a few months later, I decided to move to Del Sol Valley—which, unbelievably, I had never heard of before. I’ve heard that it can get quite hot in Summer; but as far as I can tell, this city has the mildest weather you can find in SimNation.
Stuart: So true, brah, so true. We are in the valley of the sun, after all… Cool, let’s see what’s next… Only recently, Global Assembly recommended every nation to further explore uncharted lands. Are you excited about this news? What kind of place do you think we’ll see?
Noir: Oh yes, very excited. It’s interesting how we keep discovering new places. Up until a year ago, I had never heard of Selvadorada or the ancient Omiscan culture. I have never been to the Pinnacles here in Del Sol Valley—yes, I’m a Mirage Park girl—but I heard you can see the ocean from there… I wonder if I’ll ever be able to reach that far. It would be great to live by the beach and then go for a swim in the sea. From what I’ve heard, nobody ocean swims in Brindleton Bay, which is a shame if you ask me… Or at least visit somewhere coastal on a vacation. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!
2. Paul Bentley

Basking in the tranquility of the Old Town of Windenburg, Paul eagerly shares his opinions about the topics at hand. Focused on establishing himself, he was pleased with what our policymakers have done in 2018.
Dafoe: So, Paul, tell me, what do you think is the most remarkable thing that happened last year?
Bentley: I was so thrilled when the Career Registration for Individual Scheme was passed by the House of Representatives.
Dafoe: Oh? Fascinating. Why is that?
Bentley: Umm… being able to register with my own career title really helped me get my foot into the door for the social media career. Without being able to register myself as a social media influencer, I would have never been able to start out in my new career in public relations. I hope to make it big in San Myshuno one day!
Dafoe: San Myshuno. Huh… most interesting. Right, let us carry on then. Global Assembly encouraged recently to further explore uncharted lands. What is your opinion on this?
Bentley: I’m a little skeptical about what the Global Assembly will find in their expeditions, but it’s exciting to see what they might find. I hope they are able to find lands in the tropical region of the world… I would love to see what it would look like! Or maybe a mountainous area would be cool. Or a new land where they can build a theme park. Or an underwater world. Or something else really out of the ordinary!
3. Audrina Ventura

Next we have Audrina from Fisherman’s Wharf, Brindleton Bay. Being a food critic, she is always delighted to discover new cuisines to try. 2018 was definitely her year for sure!
Heizer: I’m so glad you agree to do this. It was so hard to find someone to sit down with. So, being a critic I’m sure you have a rich experience traveling to a slew of places. What do think about last year? Anything especially memorable?
Ventura: The expeditions to Belomisia for sure! I enjoyed diving deep into some of the best cultural food we’ve had since Magnolia Promenade came around. There was something magical about eating Platanos Fritos and shaking my Roomba to the beat! I must say though, the weird food those SimNation archaeologists gave me was not bad either. Too bad they took the rest of it with them to… uhm… I mean… too bad they went missing.
Heizer: Very sad indeed. It was very fortunate that they eventually were able to reach the outside world. Speaking of exploration, our next question pertains to a similar topic. Global Assembly has been urging governments to seek more lands. Since you’re happy about the discovery of Selvadorada, maybe you’re enthusiastic about such a news?
Ventura: I’m actually iffy about it. On one hand I would love to visit new places, but on the other hand these new places usually start off with terrible food and restaurant service. I hate wasting my time going into kitchens to yell at the Chefs. I would much prefer eating a decent meal! Ugh, I wish the Global Assembly would stop interfering so much.
Special thanks to Benji and paulskayser for doing this interview!
Wether Forecast – Friday, Spring 6, 2019
San Myshuno – 🌧 Chance of Rain; Cold
Del Sol Valley – ☁️ Cloud; Cool
Oasis Springs – ☀️ Clear Sky; Hot
Willow Creek – ☁️ Cloud; Cold
Newcrest – ☀️ Clear Sky; Cold
Granite Falls – 🌧 Chance of Rain; Cold
Forgotten Hollow – ☁️ Cloud; Cold
Brindleton Bay – ⛈ Thunderstorm; Cold
Selvadorada – ☀️ Clear Sky; Hot
Windenburg – ⛅️ Light Cloud; Cold