Inspiration Corner: Building Ahead for Strangerville

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The Sims 4 Strangerville Game Pack is coming out in just a few days! I’m super curious to see what this new release will bring to the game, but then on the other hand it doesn’t leave us much time to plan ahead and prepare our save files for the new world.

After watching the trailer more times than I would like to admit, I thought I’d put together a small Inspiration Corner. If you’re like me, you’re likely doing some preparation for when the game comes out on Tuesday. With that said, let’s get strange!



Because of Oasis Springs, The Sims 4 base game already comes with an array of items that fit into the desert theme, but then other packs gave us objects that match nicely. All of the wood, ceramics, abstract designs, and less vivid colors are a good base for you to create your builds within that aesthetics.



Maybe I’ve been playing too much Red Dead Redemption, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw the trailer was a “Western” theme. I’ve been meaning to build a cowboy themed bar ever since Get Famous came out, so I think I’ll finally get to do it now.



The pack description says that Strangerville is a “rural desert town”, so that means that we can once again put all those country style items to use. Besides what came with the base game, Cats & Dogs and Laundry Day will likely match the new world really well. Now all we need is a farm themed pack (please, gurus, please).




If you wanna go another direction from the obvious Mid-Century reference when building in a desert, you can focus on a more contemporary look by choosing the right materials. Wood, glass, stone and ceramics are a good start, specially if they come with abstract designs and more simple lines. Think of textures that are also dry and rough, or maybe go the opposite way and create your own indoor oasis.



A huge part of the new pack (based on the trailer) will center around a sci-fi theme, so it’s time to build our science lairs for our science inclined sims. And you know it, no laboratory could ever be complete without a guinea pig… or at least a hamster. Yes, I just found a brand new use for My First Pack and I can now retire; at least until another Inspiration Corner needs to be written.
